A young imagination is bold likes to make bigger leaps. It likes to well imagine that the dustbuster is a dinosaur that the computer mouse is a hotrod that the box is a cave that the rawhide is a torch... or a baton... or something.
I love the excess of Christmas. The shopping season that begins in September...
Christmas is a stocking stuffed with sugary goodness.
One Christmas my father kept our tree up till March. He hated to see it go. I...
It's interesting because I tend to trust a man with big ears.
Television contracts the imagination and radio expands it.
Imagination is not something apart and hermetic not a way of leaving reality...
With the brush we merely tint while the imagination alone produces colour.
Anyone who lives within his means suffers from a lack of imagination.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.