If a dog doesn't put you first where are you both? In what relation? A dog needs God. It lives by your glances your wishes. It even shares your humor. This happens about the fifth year. If it doesn't happen you are only keeping an animal.
When a man goes through six years training to be a doctor he will never be...
In marriage there are no manners to keep up and beneath the wildest...
A father is always making his baby into a little woman. And when she is a...
Humor results when society says you can't scratch certain things in public...
The best scary movies have great humor in them and a great story.
This is a feminist bookstore. There is no humor section.
Humor has historically been tied to the mores of the day. The Yellow Kid was...
Unless it's a specific accent or something about physicality you have to change I am generally not such a conscious actor.