My first holiday to San Francisco in 1998-99 was supposed to be a two-week vacation but I ended up staying five weeks and nearly didn't come home.
The cheese board is my big treat at Christmas that I have to deny myself...
I think if you're at the point where you're popular enough to sell your...
Oh I'm terrible at travel.
I've got too much respect for stand-ups to call myself one.
Imagine if you had baseball cards that showed all the performance stats for...
My father was always depressed. When he was home and sober he was mostly in...
To the former child migrants who came to Australia from a home far away led...
At home I've got a very puerile juvenile sense of humour.
It had never occurred to me before that music and thinking are so much alike. In fact you could say music is another way of thinking or maybe thinking is another kind of music.