Republicans have been losing the war of words for years now. Now they are...
I honestly believe that there's an element in this country in our politics...
I challenge anybody to say that I wouldn't know how to approach foreign...
I believe in traditional marriage and I believe in the Defense of Marriage Act.
If I had been elected president in 1948 history would be vastly different. I...
For most of our history Americans enjoyed both liberty and security from...
There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history. It is simply...
This is a good time to ask apologists for the Islamic regime who degrades...
I was asked to do a test commercial shoot for an Apple product which didn't mean much to me at the time. Some music player that holds all your songs. Sounded cool to me and I never gave up an opportunity to work especially with the possibility of it turning into a national commercial. Coolest job I did in that time.