Make friends with the angels who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them constantly praise them and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.
When you encounter difficulties and contradictions do not try to break them...
Nothing is so strong as gentleness nothing so gentle as real strength.
Never be in a hurry do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose...
Have patience with all things But first of all with yourself.
There's no regret. You can't regret. I mean I've felt regret but I've also...
My mother gave lots of good advice and had a lot to say. As you get older...
Bear and endure: This sorrow will one day prove to be for your good.
Let's not be afraid to speak the common sense truth: you can't have high...
Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle love is a war love is a growing up.