I turned down 'Some Like It Hot.' See how smart I am? I felt I couldn't bring anything funny to it. The outfit was funny. I don't need to compete with the wardrobe.
I've had great success being a total idiot.
I've had the greatest respect for my work in this country by Americans....
This is the pain pacemaker. I've got a battery under my skin. From that...
I have some very personal feelings about politics but I don't get into it...
The last person they expected to connect with a screenplay was the comedic...
But I think funny and talent will always win out I mean of course there are...
It is funny because the guy who is my boss now Howard Stern has a...
I have a funny family but none of them are remotely in show business.
Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself even though you never touch its coat tails.