Well I mean if a joke or humor is bawdy it's got to be funny enough to warrant it. You can't just have it bawdy or dirty just for the sake of being that - it's got to be funny.
I think older women still have a full life.
I kid around a lot but pranks are not my best strength!
I'm not what you might call sexy but I'm romantic. Let's put it that way.
I'm a big cockeyed optimist. I try to accentuate the positive as opposed to...
The last person they expected to connect with a screenplay was the comedic...
But I think funny and talent will always win out I mean of course there are...
It is funny because the guy who is my boss now Howard Stern has a...
I have a funny family but none of them are remotely in show business.
All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.