Jon Stewart is exactly the same guy he's always been only with money. He knows that the moment he really believes he's important the funny goes away and he becomes Bill O'Reilly except shorter and Jewish.
Science fiction was never my thing. I have no interest in it.
Most movies suck even the independent ones. Hollywood is like baseball: Hit...
I want you to take away the hope because that's the thing that's killing me.
I do have to say that I think that President Obama is the greatest President...
The last person they expected to connect with a screenplay was the comedic...
But I think funny and talent will always win out I mean of course there are...
It is funny because the guy who is my boss now Howard Stern has a...
I have a funny family but none of them are remotely in show business.
When love is gone there's always justice. And when justice is gone there's always force. And when force is gone there's always Mom. Hi Mom!