When you get to fifty-two food becomes more important than sex.
Political satire became obsolete when they awarded Henry Kissinger the Nobel...
Laughter is involuntary. If it's funny you laugh.
My last public performance for money was in 1967. For free it was 1972 with...
It is a sobering thought that when Mozart was my age he had been dead for...
I think that food ties us to our community and our traditions and it's the...
We all thought of chicken as lean protein-rich food that's good for weight...
Penn State is a leader in food science.
One must know combinations one must have a true knowledge of food to be in...
Oh I don't think Tom Sowell would tell anybody to join the administration. That's not his style. But I think his attitude has always been if it had to be done he'd prefer me to do it than somebody else.