We had such a wonderful set of circumstances in Wilmington. Yes the four of us became famous literally overnight but we were in a small town and we always knew when people were coming down. We always knew when to behave.
I found it to be more challenging to be in a huge effects movie because a...
I have some road rage inside of me. Traffic especially in L.A. is a pet...
We all keep dreaming and luckily dreams come true.
I'm not strictly vegetarian but meat doesn't play a big part in my diet.
At the time when this famous historical battle was fought in Kosovo the...
They can gas me but I am famous. I have achieved in one day what it took...
I don't see myself as famous at all so I'm continuing my life as normal.
People should recognize who you are and how you can act rather then how...
I used to have this Mercedes a dark blue 450SLC which was the most beautiful car. I'd like to have another unusual beautiful car.