I've been looking at the iPod- the Apple iPod. One of the interesting things...
So what does a good teacher do? Create tension - but just the right amount.
We expert teachers know that motivation and emotional impact are what matter.
I think there is a tendency in science to measure what is measurable and to...
Design must seduce shape and perhaps more importantly evoke an emotional...
I love the idea of couture and its emphasis on creation. There's where I made...
I'm an artist. So if acting doesn't work out which I hope it does I'm...
We want people to realize you are at a design school not a land grant...
I saw the president make the tough calls in the Situation Room - and today our troops in Iraq have finally come home so America can do some nation building here at home. That was the change that we believed in. That was the change we fought for. That was the change President Obama delivered.