Racism in the first place is a weapon used by the wealthy to increase the...
I think the importance of doing activist work is precisely because it allows...
We have to talk about liberating minds as well as liberating society.
Yes I think it's really important to acknowledge that Dr. King precisely at...
When we are dealing with death we are constantly being dragged down by the...
I start thinking about life after death. I've got to quit thinking about it...
What we think of as our sensitivity is only the higher evolution of terror in...
So here is one of my theories on happiness: we cannot know if we have lived a...
I had a couple of movies that I was passionately involved with that I could never get made. 'Richard Pryor ' I wrote for - gosh - over a year. That was close to getting made for two-and-a-half years after that. We're still pushing it you know. It is weird. Suddenly you wake up and it's like 'God five years have gone by.'